Dale Devereux Copeland
Assemblage artist from Puniho in New Zealand.

A very occasional blog.

email me if you wish. At dale @ tart.co.nz (remove spaces)

Read the earliest page in this occasional blog.
The 2008 page, the 2009 page, the 2010 page, the 2011 page,
The 100-day project
The Pizza Oven ... see the step-by-step method here.
2012 - 2013,
Philosophy of the Found Click here to see the biggest challenge I've ever set myself.
But such super results.

Click on images for a bigger view.

Sunday 6th December, 2020
Perhaps the proudest day of my life, the hardest-won honour.
6th Dan Taekwon-Do. At an age when memory starts getting frizzled, and ability to jump lessens.
So, yes, I'm pleased, and proud.
My 'team' - Brett Greiner my self-defence partner (aka 'the fall guy'). Taranaki Taekwon-Do club instructor Master Neill Livingstone, and Pauline and Brent Flynn - friends and coaches.
I'm so fortunate.

Friday, 28th May, 2020
Define "occasional". This is a VERY seldom blog.
But today, with this part of the world emerging from a couple of months of lockdown, I thought I'd share this:
A pic of where I've been going each day to practise Taekwon-do, and collect pinecones for the fire, while Paul walks and dreams, and Jimi Houndrix runs and barks at the gulls.
Yes, I know, luckiest people (and dog) in the world.

Friday, 7th September, 2018
Very VERY occasional blog, this. But I must tell you .... I turned 75 last weekend,
and really really wanted to have a barbecue on Komene Beach.
In spite of rather ghastly weather.
Paul is a tolerant beastie and off we went. It was wonderful!
He made a little video and it's ever so nice. You can see if if you go here and click on the image of me with champagne.
Best ever birthday!

Friday, 27th April, 2018
O.K. An 'occasional' blog is indeed an understatement. And I don't do Facebook.
But just this once, here's a nice photo, from Scotland where we're visiting our daughter.
As you can see, a chill wind, but beautiful weather. We're lucky - they've had a vicious winter, but we brought the sunshine with us from New Zealand. Well, that's what we say anyway.

Sunday, 2nd July, 2017
Had a look at the PukeAriki site for the HomeWork show. Thought you might like to read my rant. Click here if you want.

Sunday, 25th June, 2017
I call this a 'very occasional' blog. Understatement!
Eleven of us took 'Art Taranaki retour à Paris' exhibition to Paris in May.
And I went with a group from Taranaki Taekwon-Do to a full-on training seminar
with Grand Master Kong Young Il in Woy Woy, by Sydney in Australia earlier in June.

All good, and now happily back playing in my studio, making things.
Found this excellent video - Click here to see the exquisite beauty of mathematics, sculpture and art.
Isn't it stunning? I loathe facebook (guess I'm not a sociable person) but very occasionally a friend will show me something like this, which is probably enough to justify fb's existence, all on its own.

Ooooh, must stop ranting. Just because I don't feel that I belong, I shouldn't criticise.

Saturday, 24th September, 2016
At Brendan Doogan's seminar in Whanganui, doing a lot of the 'weird' bits of Taekwon-do.
Breaking with knees and elbows, break-falling, blocking and throwing. Great fun.
Click here to see a short video, filmed by Glenwyn Flynn.

Monday, 24th June, 2016
Just back from Waiheke Island. Paul and I took an exhibition by 11 Taranaki artists up to the UPCYCLE gallery.
Artworks made with recycled materials.
What a delight! Lovely place, good people, receptive audience.
Four sales right at the beginning, in spite of stormy weather that kept most people safely at home.

late May, 2016
I took 35 of my assemblages to hang in the delightful Mokau museum/gallery. Super place, nice people.
And a great place for sales too! I guess it gets the travelling public - or perhaps the excitement and interest of the museum part puts visitors in the mood for wanting to own one of the exhibits?

Friday, 4th May, 2016
How the years do tumble away. Have finished packing and posting all the 109 exchange packs for Ice18, the 18th international collage exhibition/exchange. It was great to do, and wonderful to finish! To have the house back again ... it's been like living in a postal sorting office. Here I am waiting for the rural postie to arrive on Monday. And on Tuesday I took the big box, one collage from each artist, to post to The Verbeke Foundation in Belgium.
And today, whoopdedoo, I'm back playing in my studio.

Friday, 20th September, 2015
Such a lot to add! The Taekwon-Do grading in Auckland early this month .. I'm now a 5th Dan. And humbled by the huge honour of being awarded one of the General Choi Hong Hi Legacy Medals by Master Moore.
Click to see a bigger view, with Mister Butchers, Master Burn, Master Moore and our instructor Mister Livingstone.
I'm the most fortunate little old lady in the universe.
AND next week I'm off to Korea. Five black belts from the Taranaki Taekwon-Do club are going on a Tul tour. 10 days (which we will apparently spend mostly wearing our do boks (the white fighting suits) and seeing the places where the martial art was developed.

Tuesday, 26th May, 2015
It has been ages, catching up. Have published three more books (see the Press page) and some more assemblages.
17th International Collage Exchange/Exhibition all sorted and sent.
Preparing for my next Taekwon-Do grading in September. 5th Dan. Serious stuff.
Starting to update all the pages on this website. It's been a long time coming.

Sunday, 21st December, 2014
Finally, the closing party for the Paris show. To express our thanks to all those who helped us. And to enjoy the much-travelled and lovely wine donated by Sileni, refused by French Customs, bounced back around the world, held by NZ Customs .... finally all arrived back, and greatly enjoyed.
Thank you All.

Saturday, 20th December, 2014
Rehung the assemblages in my lair. Filled the wall nicely. Bad tactical error though .... no room for new ones AND I'd forgotten that one will be coming back from a year's lease with the STDC next week. Where to put it?
Oh, and do you think OSH would approve of my clambering technique for nailing up the high ones?

Tomorrow there'll be the closing for the Paris show. 6 weeks after the opening, the wine that Sileni donated has at last caught up with us, so we'll have a pizza and wine party to say Thank You for all our supporters.

Monday, 24th November, 2014
Catching up. Artists calling to collect their Paris works. Floor gradually becoming visible.
Linda put some superb photos of the whole Paris experience onto her dropbox.
Here's the link. Linda's photos
They give a great idea of the whole trip, the walking, the fun, the school-camp feel of the apartments, the gallery, the crowds, the lovely city, the opening, the concerts. Everything.
The last few of the photos are from when she left the plane at Dubai (she reckons we should have our next exhibition there, just for the experience!)

Saturday, 22nd November, 2014
Home, loving all the greenery & the birds, but smiling at memories of Paris.
Jet-lagged after the 36 hours of travel. Unpacking all the artworks, catching up, feeling sluggish.

Monday, 17th November, 2014
Up early. Exhibition finished last night, some of us went to dinner at a super place, crowded, wonderful cooking.
Now we've cleared up, packed, weighed, having a last look at Paris.

Saturday, 15th November, 2014
My little camera has died. Overuse?

This is in our apartment. Described as "a well-located flophouse" it's right by the Louvre, and all 10 of us fit in nicely.
The view out the window and the computer/breakfast table.
We're all trying to see everything on our lists, rushing around like happy little chickens.
Last night I went in a 200-year-old tiny junk shop specialising in pipes and smoking stuff. It was so full of treasures that only one customer can fit in at a time. I think my studio will look like that in 200 years time.
I got two empty pipe cases for using in assemblages, and I'm really excited.

Friday, 14th November, 2014

Not keeping up with posting images. Spending all day walking & exploring.
So just a few random shots around Paris.

Wednesday, 12th November, 2014
We are walking and exploring from before daybreak (and WAY before the French get going - the streets are ours alone) until we drop at night.
Loving this city. And there's so much to see.
Down exploring the city sewers today, and it's fascinating.

A few head shots: Frances, Lessie & Anne.

Monday, 10th November, 2014
Walked forever. Carousel, to Clignancourt flea market, the sacre couer by the back way. And Sunday night concert in the gallery.

Sunday, 9th November, 2014
4.30am, while the others in the apartment are sleeping.
We're getting some great publicity. Lots of links in 'what to see in Paris' sites.
And today this link in a film critic's blog (Linda & Steve helped heaps with the film questions)
We each have five half-day sessions hosting the exhibition. But for the rest of the time we WALK and explore.
Yesterday flea markets. Today will be MORE flea markets - further out from the centre, but we'll still walk rather than use the Metro.
Underground, you could be anywhere (except when you're in the Catacombs!)
Every weekend night there's a free live music concert in the gallery. They set up seats and about 200 people come inside, and more watch from the windows (there's a big speaker set up outside).

Friday, 7th November, 2014
At last, some time to put up some photos from the opening.
The terrific cheeses that Fonterra gave us.
A few of the people downstairs at the opening (couldn't photograph around the table upstairs where they were LOVING the cheese - couldn't get close!)
Frances & Dale with the New Zealand ambassador and our artist friends Suisse.
Anne (& Lessie) hauling stuff back to the apartment after the opening.
(Thanks to Steve for taking a zillion terrific photos)
The 12 of us who carried the exhibition to Paris.

Thursday, 6th November, 2014
The opening was terrific! People have said such great things about the work, and about the exhibition in total.
Mostly artists and friends from around the world, but also the New Zealand ambassador & entourage, lots from the France New Zealand association.
The French LOVE cheese, and they were astounded at the superb quality and taste of the Cheddar, the Brie, the Smoked Havarti and the Kikorangi Blue that Fonterra donated to us for the opening.
They were also very rude about French Customs for keeping the lovely Sileni Estates wines instead of getting them to us.
We filled the gap with a whole lot of cheap French casks, but the 'stolen Sileni' was a major talking point, so good publicity, if not in the expected manner!

Not a lot of sales, but an extremely positive reaction and good comments. All good.
Up at 4am, which I'll perhaps regret later.
Lots of photographs & filming went on, but not by me, so no pics to post yet. But the exhibition looks fabulous.

Wednesday, 5th November, 2014
A huge day, setting up exhibition. From pile of boxes in the middle of the gallery floor, we've put together an exhibition and it looks SUPER.

A few adjustments to make, and some clearing up, but I'm pleased.
Over 250 works, and all looking good.
Went to the monthly meeting of the artists' association of 59 Rivoli in the evening. 30 artists, a great co-operative.

Tuesday, 4th November, 2014
Five of us up early (WAY too early, the markets & patisseries aren't open yet). We've made coffee & porridge, catching up with email, and Linda found the sweetest little fire extinguisher.

Monday, 3rd November, 2014
Actually BEING somewhere else is fun, but getting there can be right tedious.
3 hours flying to Melbourne, another 13 to Dubai, and just starting off on the last 7 hours to Paris.
With no time between for anything but scurrying to the next terminal and/or gate and being scanned again.

BUT WE'RE HERE! the artists, the artworks, 8 trolley, 2 shuttle buses, and we're here. Super apartment for the 10 of us. And Paris is (as always) terrific.
we're all tired to bits, but tomorrow we hang the show.

Sunday, 2nd November, 2014
I'm writing this 40,000 feet above the sea. (Yes, Emirates airlines seems to work in feet not metres).
May I tell you about the journey so far? 5 intrepid artists in a minivan with an EMORMOUS amount of artwork/luggage, lost on the 'quick' way to Auckland. via Raglan and Port Waikato would you believe? But arrived, met the others, and with 8 trolleys full of luggage, all in the 'fragile or oversize' category, we managed to check in and are on the way. there's a break of an hour or two at Melbourne where we have to get off the plane, so we have to stay awake till after that. Then the long haul to Paris via a few more hours in Dubai.
I've completely lost my voice. No loss to the world, but embarrassing.
From the left, the intrepids (Dale, Laurel, Caryl, our driver Alan, Anne, Mili); Mili counting luggage trolleys at Auckland; Anne after her striptease of 4 jackets, all the chains around her neck, and the contents of 23 large pockets!

Friday, 31st October, 2014
Been such a lot happening. The Kinetika show, packing for Paris, the Art Awards at Opunake. Two more sleeps and we're off to Paris.
My engineer friend Ken Gernhoefer, riding our Kinetika device The ReCycler, aka The Time Machine.
Pedal hard and it gets noisy, a big fan blows the CDs, and a series of lights work.
(If you can see a blue light you're doing really well).
The Taranaki Art Awards at Opunake. Paul's big diptych About Face. Stunning painting.
And we've just heard that Emirates Airlines are changing the luggage rules. So we can take all the luggage, but won't be able to bring it all back. Not too much weight, but too many big cases, tubes, boxes. So have spent most of today cutting the biggest box down to a permissable size.
I'll put the Taranaki à Paris exhibition online tonight (on the Virtual Tart site at tart.co.nz and finish the repacking tomorrow.

Wednesday, 15th October, 2014
Such a long gap again. Been so busy. The Taranaki à Paris exhibition is soon. And also Kinetika. Total chaos at Puniho.
From the left: Anne Holliday and I start packing (in our berets, getting ready for a Paris winter).
The house is full of packed bags and boxes and tubes. 235 artworks. It's going to be a real circus getting them safely to France.
The dashboard of the 'Recycler' time machine for Kinetika. Madly tight timeframe. The whole thing has to be finished and installed in 6 more days.
The engineer Ken Gerhoefer is doing a great job of the frame and the works, I just have to decorate it.
Twice a week a mixed group of artists has coffee at the 'town office' - Petit Paris in New Plymouth. Where would we be without good coffee while we plan?

Saturday, 9th May, 2014
A long gap in writing, such a busy few months.
The 16th International Collage Exhibition/Exchange - all sorted and packed, today I started sealing, stamping and posting. The postie took the first lot away.
All the European packs, and the first dozen for the USA.
It should all be finished and away by Monday.
And now back organising Taranaki à Paris, our exhibition in Paris this November.
The Taranaki artists on the Virtual Tart site will be showing at Gallerie 59Rivoli in Paris, opening 5th November 2014.
11 of us will travel, and carry the whole exhibition as our luggage. It's a huge venture. And adventure too.
Oh, and for June, such a lot happening. On the 6th it's the opening of Home Work - Taranaki Art Now at Puke Ariki.
It's a really big deal for us, a return to the glory days of a big selected Taranaki exhibition in a good gallery.
And over the weekend of 14/15 June, it's the first Taranaki Arts Trail.
About 70 open studios. At Puniho as well as me and Paul, our friend Wayne Morris will be showing his art.
Should be great fun.

Read the earliest page in this occasional blog.
The 2008 page, the 2009 page, the 2010 page, the 2011 page,
The 100-day project
The Pizza Oven ... see the step-by-step method here.
2012 - 2013,
2012 - 2013,
email Dale at dale @ tart.co.nz (remove spaces)

Front Page Dale Puniho Press Collage Work Guest Book Links

Other collage & assemblage sites