Tempus Fugit, fug it all
Assemblage art by Dale Copeland
An exhibition in eight rooms
Room Eight
Click on images for a closer view
A History of War Remnant of the Big Bang Me and Mine
The War Maker (& detail) The Long Goodbye (& detail)
The one true prophecy Free Will? Yes.
Freedom of choice? No.Easy As
Contemplating life in the office A Walk Through the Cemetery
The die is cast The Trickle Down Effect How did we ever?
Generation Me The Hardest Lesson
Stuff about Dale, her studio, her jungle.
email Dale at dale @ tart.co.nz (remove the spaces)
Room 1 |
Room 2 |
Room 3 |
Room 4 |
Room 5 |
Room 6 |
Room 7 |
Room 8 |
Books | Collage | Dale |