Homage to a working man

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Homage to a working man
Assemblage of found objects
Cast rubber hand on wooden base.
75 cm high, 41 cm wide. With four free-moving bowling balls.
Dale Copeland

The rubber hand is ingrained with grime -
it looks like the hand of a man who has spent his life working.
And you've doubtless heard the stories .. the man who at last is let go, retired, put out to pasture .. call it as you wish.
He perhaps starts playing bowls, but his heart isn't in it.
His life isn't in it.

Dale lives at Puniho in coastal Taranaki, Aotearoa/New Zealand.

Return to the front page of dalecopeland.co.nz
or see her work on the Virtual Tart site.

email Dale at   dale@tart.co.nz
Image © Dale Copeland