Damage Control

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Damage Control
Assemblage of found objects
January, 2024 Dale Copeland

The most visible reaction of politicians I've ever seen.
For those who might have missed it:

A document was leaked about intentions of NZ's three-party coalition to weaken the movement towards total equality of Maori with Pakeha.
In things like the language on signs, the wide acceptance of Te Reo.
In short, the plan was to move away from fully honouring the Treaty of Waitangi.

Available time was short, but a hui (a meeting to talk) was called at Ngaruawahia.
And oh, how they came.
Not just hundreds, but 10,000 !
From the entire length of the country, from all iwi, whether part of the King movement or not.
They talked, feelings were strong, but they came out in peace and in unity.
The Maori king, Kiingi Tuheitia, spoke for all when said "Be Maori. In all parts of your life, be Maori".
The reaction: each of the three parties in the coalition chose a spokesperson to publicly say that they didn't really mean it, they would never have passed it, would never change the law, or reinterpret the Treaty.
Damage Control.

Here I've tried to show a Maori standing proud but not antagonistic, moving away from fighting.
And the three clusters of anonymous men frantically planning damage control.

Incidentally, I don't have any Maori blood, I'm just another 3rd generation pink-skinned European import who loves this country and is proud of how the Maori language has been revived.
No longer beaten out of the children in schools, but becoming widely used.
It's something to be proud of, as a country.

Dale's studio can be found on Surf Highway, Taranaki, New Zealand

More of her work can be seen on the Virtual TART site at www.tart.co.nz

email Dale at dale@tart.co.nz
Front Page Books Collage Work Dale

Image © Dale Copeland